
CBSE officially bans use of ChatGPT during board exams, issues warning to Class 12 and 10 students

The internet was quick to call the latest instructions a pointless gimmick, when all electronic devices, including mobile phones and smartwatches, are already barred in exam halls.

Ever since Artificial Intelligence (AI) research company OpenAI announced ChatGPT, it has caused quite a stir and grabbed eyeballs across the world, including the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). 

The CBSE has officially banned the use of ChatGPT, a language-processing artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot capable of understanding natural language and generating human-like responses. 

The Chatbot is capable of generating speeches, songs, poems, articles, and essays, based on natural language inputs given to it. 

The latest instructions issued by the board ahead of the examinations read, “Mobile, ChatGPT and other electronic items will not be allowed in the examination hall.” 

“Students are not allowed to carry any electronic devices inside the exam centre. This includes using any device to access ChatGPT so that unfair means is not used,” a senior board official added. 

Moreover, some of the major educational institutions to officially ban the use of ChatGPT include the New York Department of Education, Seattle Public School, a premier French university, Science Po University and Bengaluru’s popular RV University. 

The internet was quick to call the latest instructions a pointless gimmick, when all electronic devices, including mobile phones and smartwatches, are already barred in exam halls. The real conundrum is finding a way to prohibit the use of artificially intelligent chatbots for assignments, labs, projects and homework. 

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