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Former Tesla director Larry Ellison invited Elon Musk to Hawaii to ‘dry out’ from drugs

Friends advised Elon Musk to go to rehab after he was allegedly observed drinking 'molly water' at Hollywood parties

As concerns about his rising drug usage appeared, business giant and renowned entrepreneur Elon Musk was approached by concerned friends who encouraged him to pursue rehabilitation. According to the Daily Mail, Musk’s close buddy, former Tesla director Larry Ellison, also a billionaire and the cofounder of Oracle, went so far as to advise Musk to come to Hawaii in the winter of 2022 to “relax from work and dry out from the drugs.” This advice came as Musk’s inner circle became more concerned about the implications of his extracurricular activities, including incidents of drinking ‘molly water’ at high-profile Hollywood functions.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Musk’s close pals raised alarm following his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter in October 2022. Fears arose about the possible consequences of his drug-related activities for the six firms under his control, as well as the massive $800 billion in assets entrusted by investors. During this era, billionaire Larry Ellison, the fourth richest person globally and the owner of Lanaʻi island, reportedly issued an offer of aid. This gesture coincided with a reported incident at a Hollywood Hills party in which Musk drank a liquid form of MDMA from a water bottle, leading security to clear the vicinity.

Larry Ellison
Image: Business Insider

Associates feel feared that abstinence would offend billionaire

Aside from concerns regarding Musk’s personal decisions, associates apparently felt forced to use illicit substances because they feared that abstinence would offend the billionaire. Last month, the Wall Street Journal highlighted Musk’s suspected use of illicit narcotics like as ecstasy and cocaine, creating concern among executives and board members of Musk’s different businesses. Musk allegedly experimented with narcotics such as LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, and psychedelic mushrooms, frequently at exclusive private meetings throughout the world. Concerns now extend beyond Musk’s health to the possible consequences for his enterprises, which combined account for about $1 trillion in assets, tens of thousands of employment, and critical components of the United States space programme.

In response to the charges, Musk’s lawyer, Alex Spiro, stated, “Musk regularly and randomly drug tested at SpaceX and has never failed a test.” Concerns about Musk’s drug usage have reportedly resulted in resignations from his business enterprises, including former Tesla director Linda Johnson Rice, who purportedly cited irritation with Musk’s attitude as a reason in her choice not to run for reelection in 2019.

Concerns were raised during a SpaceX meeting in 2017, when Musk allegedly slurred his words and rambled for fifteen minutes. SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell took over the meeting, forcing officials to have private talks about Musk possibly being under the influence.

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Dr. Shubhangi Jha

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