Technology News

Indian Govt Warns of Malware “DogeRAT” Targeting Android Users

DogeRAT Malware Deceives Android Users by Impersonating Popular Apps Like ChatGPT,Netflix and YouTube

The Indian government has issued an advisory warning Android smartphone users about an emerging cyber threat – advanced malware named “DogeRAT” targeting users in the country.

Malware is short for “malicious software”. It refers to viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware and other harmful programs that can compromise computer systems and mobile devices.

What is the malware threat?

The malware, known as DogeRAT, infiltrates Android devices by disguising itself as popular apps like ChatGPT, Opera Mini, YouTube, Netflix and Instagram. Once installed, it gains unauthorized access to sensitive user data including contacts, messages, banking credentials, and more.

How does DogeRAT operate?

The Defense Ministry advisory reveals that DogeRAT is being distributed by cybercriminals via social media and messaging platforms like Telegram. After compromising a smartphone, the remote access trojan allows hackers to:

  • Send spam messages/emails
  • Steal data
  • Secretly record audio
  • Misuse banking credentials
  • Track device location
  • Modify files
  • Capture device screenshots
  • Make unauthorized payments

Who discovered the malware campaign?

The malware campaign was initially uncovered by Indian cybersecurity startup CloudSEK. Their researchers state that DogeRAT utilizes Java code and targets Android users across multiple industries like banking, entertainment, and more.

Why is India vulnerable?

As digital adoption increases, India has witnessed a surge in cybersecurity incidents – up 171% in government agencies between 2018-2022. The malware campaign capitalizes on millions of new smartphone users who may be unaware of such threats.

While DogeRAT has focused on Indian users so far, the malware has global ambitions. The cybercriminals are using Telegram bots and open-source web hosting platforms to spread the malware wider.


How can users stay protected?

The Defense Ministry has advised users to avoid sideloading apps from third-party stores, keep devices updated, use reputed antivirus apps, and refrain from clicking on unknown links. Government employees are urged to spread awareness of the threat.

With cyberattacks on the rise, users are strongly advised to exercise caution in downloading apps and sharing sensitive personal or banking information online. Constant vigilance is key to staying protected from malware like DogeRAT.

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