Education News

Mumbai family celebrate ‘perfect 35′ in all six subjects in SSC

The Thane boy, Vishal Karad completed his 10th class from a Marathi medium school and scored 35%.

A family in Mumbai broke the traditional norms and to the surprise of many celebrated their son passing the 10th board exam. 

What’s surprising in this is that the boy scored 35%- minimum passing marks, scoring 35 marks in each subject. Typically, achieving only 35 marks in each subject and barely passing the exam is considered a poor result in most households.

Vishal Karad, hailing from Thane, completed his 10th-grade education in a Marathi medium school. Despite the financial crunch, his parents, an autorickshaw driver, and a domestic worker, stood by his side and celebrated this accomplishment. They viewed it as an achievement in itself to have cleared the exams, and their joy knew no bounds.

Vishal’s father while talking to a Mumbai News channel said that “Many parents may be celebrating their children’s high scores, but for us, Vishal’s 35% holds a lot of importance, as he has done us proud by clearing his SSC exams.”

Vishal himself acknowledged, “I feel that I managed to clear the exams only due to constant encouragement from my parents.”

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