
Loud uproars of Azaan, 5 times a day from every mosque are making non-Islamic religions in India nervous

Loudspeakers atop a mosque

India has been a country where religious freedom has been given to every individual with minorities always been provided preference. But there are times when this ‘extra-religious’ freedom is misused and exploited by some which not only hurt the sentiments of others but makes them feel nervous to confront regarding issues.

The loud uproars from Mosques which sound like war cries to the non-believers and send an ominous message to them is an example of how religious domination can be mentally asserted. These pandemoniums are forcefully imposed upon the people who do not follow Islam or even the ones who do.

While the country currently has about 25% of Islamic population, the other 75% is foisted upon with the radical commotions by preachers in Islamic shrines who disregarding the human rights of other religions, practice the act of Azaan via loudspeakers which was not a part of Islam initially.

There was a time when loudspeakers were introduced and the imams, Muslim leaders opposed their use as they were not a ‘natural’ producer of azaan but now, it has become a part of the religion.

Slowly as time passes, either the population living near a mosque gets used to the constant humiliation by the neighboring shrines or they migrate away from these dominant practicing elements of the society.

This has resulted in large amounts of Muslim pockets across the country in every city where there is no respect for the restrictions or human rights, where the polarizing ideology of Islamic radicals dominates the other religions. This has only resulted in the startling rise in Muslim vigilante violence which doesn’t seem to sink any sooner.

These preferences on the basis of minority appeasement have been part of the governances since forever while the majority religion gets chastened and demeaned from their individual rights. The fact that nobody comes forward to protests against such oppressive acts is clear to justify how mental dominance works.

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